Or, the art of knowing when people are just full of it and noticing who doesn't know the difference.
The health crisis has, of course, created an event that has never happened on any level ever. No global economy has ever existed on this platform and no platform of any sort has ever collapsed. Godzilla is a piker.
Even if it's resolved soon (whatever that means to you) there is nothing about the future that will be the same. It's just a clock, churning onward.
The fun part, I suppose, is writing about it in advance and knowing that there was only one George Orwell, one Jules Verne, one Aldous Huxley. Those who point to literature and affix a sense of premonition to those works are stretching the point. You can make any prediction you want. Observe the real world, add some nuances, some hyperbole ... you got your dystopian society.
I find it interesting, though, that benign comments that do indeed project the future are mostly overlooked. Such comments are the future. Pay attention to them and who says it. The nuggets of your life are embedded in the flippancy of the people who rule your life.
Is the cure worse than the disease?
What the hell does this mean? It means the wealthy and connected are considering ways of doing to you what they always did.
We keep listening to people who don't have answers, only solutions that benefit them. I will fix mine and here's a list of shit you can study in case you want to fix yours.
Meanwhile, they will build the wall across the Mexican frontier.
Because they said they would.
This is not about government control. This is about the absence of government control. You are entitled to be rich, but you don't get to play by the same rules. You are not rich enough.